'Australia is becoming more Australian', 1996
site-specific work, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia.
Medium: turf, salt, oxide, motorised flag (motor added to flag on site to enable existing flag to be raised up and down in rhythmic motion). The carpet/flag is made of turf, salt and oxide over a metal wave form.
'Where are you, can you hear me?', 2008, horus & deloris Contemporary Art Space, Sydney, Australia. Exhibition view, (with Mona Ryder's work in distant background). Orange wedge in corner of room - mesh crumbed rubber over wooden form to fit gallery corner. Wood carved disk on wall with automotive paint (paint changes colour with movement)
Blind 3 is a site specific work the concept generated by the social and architectural space of the gallery. The text perforated on the silver blind "I wish to communicate with you " is from the international semaphore flag used at sea to communicate. Within the gallery context the directive intention of the semaphore flag shifts to become poetic, ambiguous and playful. Issues of public/private, and signalling recognise and place the viewer as active collaborator within the space.
'Coalition', 1994, Broschwitz Galerie, Berlin, Germany. Medium: coal bricks (used for heating particularly in the former East Berlin) were used to build a wall to the outside between the gallery,and the street. The chair was modified with an embedded video monitor with images of details of the body, dye, wax.